At Eureka Instruments GmbH you can pay in different ways:
by payment in advance: When we receive your order, you will first get an order confirmation from us. Please transfer the amount to be paid to our account. The ordered products will be packed and sent to you upon receipt of payment. (Receipt of payment takes about 1-2 business days)
by PayPal/PayPal Express: You will be redirected directly to the PayPal page to be able to make the payment.
by credit card: The transaction will be carried out by PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account. If payment is made using a credit card, your credit card account is debited in conjunction with the conclusion of the contract.
by SEPA direct debit: The transaction will be carried out by PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account.
In individual cases, Eureka Instruments GmbH reserves the right to offer only payment in advance as payment method. We ask for your understanding!
Our bank account:
DE29 7601 0085 0113 1948 52
In case of questions, please contact us at the contact details mentioned in the Legal Notice.