Die sanfte Ansprache eines feinen Fernambukbogens gepaart mit der lebendigen Beweglichkeit unserer Performance-Serie verleihen dem CodaBow Escent eine moderne Dynamik, die es im Bogenbau bisher nicht gab. Dieser hybride Ansatz, der von Vordenkern der Branche entwickelt wurde, schafft eine tiefere Saitenverbindung und eine klare Klangfarbe, die es Künstlern ermöglicht, zwischen Genres und Stilen zu wechseln.

Die innovative Froscharchitektur bietet eine kontrollierte Agilität, die von vielen ambitionierten Profis gefordert wird. Zusätzliche Möglichkeiten und ein größerer Tonumfang bieten die Möglichkeit, technischen Fähigkeiten zu erweitern, um eine ausgereiftere musikalische Leistung zu erzielen. Egal, ob Sie sich einer Universitätsjury gegenübersehen, zwischen Orchesterauftritten auf Hochzeiten spielen oder im Studio zwischen den Genres wechseln - mit dem CodaBow Escent wartet das nächste Kapitel Ihrer Reise auf Sie.

CodaBow Escent Cello Bow
The supple response of a fine Pernambuco bow paired with the lively articulation of our performance line give the CodaBow Escent a modern energy unprecedented in bow making. Designed by thought leaders in the industry, this hybrid approach creates deepening string connection and clear tonal color that allows artists to leap across genres and styles. The innovative frog architecture delivers the controlled agility many ambitious professional's demand. Added facility and range afford you the opportunity to expand your technical capacity in the pursuit of more mature musical performance. Whether you are facing university jurors, playing weddings between orchestra performances, or crossing genres in the studio, the next steppingstone on your journey awaits with the CodaBow Escent. Who plays CodaBow? The bows are manufactured in the USA. Frogs and buttons are manufactured by Walter Paulus GmbH in Germany (Bavaria). To our CodaBow Website. The bows feature GlobalBow® technology and contain only harmless materials. Thus the bow can be taken carefree on journeys.   Quality features: Newly developed acoustic core made of organic fibers Deep string connection and clear tonal color Supple response GlobalBow® design Lifetime manufacturer warranty (Registration CodaBow)   Features:

CodaBow Escent Viola Bow
The supple response of a fine Pernambuco bow paired with the lively articulation of our performance line give the CodaBow Escent a modern energy unprecedented in bow making. Designed by thought leaders in the industry, this hybrid approach creates deepening string connection and clear tonal color that allows artists to leap across genres and styles. The innovative frog architecture delivers the controlled agility many ambitious professional's demand. Added facility and range afford you the opportunity to expand your technical capacity in the pursuit of more mature musical performance. Whether you are facing university jurors, playing weddings between orchestra performances, or crossing genres in the studio, the next steppingstone on your journey awaits with the CodaBow Escent. Who plays CodaBow? The bows are manufactured in the USA. Frogs and buttons are manufactured by Walter Paulus GmbH in Germany (Bavaria). To our CodaBow Website. The bows feature GlobalBow® technology and contain only harmless materials. Thus the bow can be taken carefree on journeys.   Quality features: Newly developed acoustic core made of organic fibers Deep string connection and clear tonal color Supple response GlobalBow® design Lifetime manufacturer warranty (Registration CodaBow)   Features:

CodaBow Escent Violin Bow
The supple response of a fine Pernambuco bow paired with the lively articulation of our performance line give the CodaBow Escent a modern energy unprecedented in bow making. Designed by thought leaders in the industry, this hybrid approach creates deepening string connection and clear tonal color that allows artists to leap across genres and styles. The innovative frog architecture delivers the controlled agility many ambitious professional's demand. Added facility and range afford you the opportunity to expand your technical capacity in the pursuit of more mature musical performance. Whether you are facing university jurors, playing weddings between orchestra performances, or crossing genres in the studio, the next steppingstone on your journey awaits with the CodaBow Escent. Who plays CodaBow? The bows are manufactured in the USA. Frogs and buttons are manufactured by Walter Paulus GmbH in Germany (Bavaria). To our CodaBow Website. The bows feature GlobalBow® technology and contain only harmless materials. Thus the bow can be taken carefree on journeys.   Quality features: Newly developed acoustic core made of organic fibers Deep string connection and clear tonal color Supple response GlobalBow® design Lifetime manufacturer warranty (Registration CodaBow)   Features:
