Der NX basiert auf dem gleichen Design wie die professionellen Modelle der Diamond Collection und überzeugt mit einem unkomplizierten, klaren Klang. Die festere, steifere Stange mit dem höheren Gewicht gibt fortgeschrittenen Schülern mehr Stabilität. Der Schwerpunkt des Bogens liegt in der Mitte mit einer leichten Tendenz zur Kopfplatte. Obwohl er weniger Klang und Gefühl gegenüber dem SX und GX bietet, gibt der Bogen dem Musiker Kontrolle über einen breiten Bereich.
"Agile and accommodating" is how CodaBows NX Cello bow is praised by students and teachers alike.
The Cello Bow
The cello bow Diamond NX inherit the same traditional design as the professional models of the CodaBow Diamond Collection. The NX deliveres an uncomplicated, sweet tone emphasizing the fundamental of the pitch. The stronger, firmer stick and well-balanced weight allows musicians and students alike to develop their technique. Though less nuanced in sound and feel, it offers consistency and control across a wide platform of technique. If you would like to buy a successor model of the Prodigy Cello Bow by CodaBow, the NX cello bow is a good choice.
Bowing Skills
Relaxed bow hold. Creating a clear tone. Mastery of the first double stops. Playing accented strokes. Being able to play lifts and beginning spiccato.
Collaboration with Musicians and Teachers
When developing the NX cello bow, CodaBow repeatedly sought the opinion of cello teachers. Through collaboration with musicians, master bow makers and leading scientists, this advanced carbon bow family "Diamond-Collection" was developed: CodaBow Diamond SX, CodaBow Diamond GX and the CodaBow Diamond NX.
Who plays CodaBow?
Manufacturing the CodaBow Diamond NX
The cello bows are manufactured in the USA. The aerospace-grade carbon fibers are precisely layered and woven extend continuously from button to tip in a Diamond Weave. This helps the bow to achieve an optimal balance of strength, flexibility, and response. The frogs made of Xebony® and buttons are manufactured at Walter Paulus GmbH in Germany. Xebony® was developed with species protection in mind. It is a compound of natural fibers and resin. It is characterized by its hardness, durability and preservation of endangered resources. To our CodaBow page.
The bows feature GlobalBow® technology and contain only harmless materials. So, you can take the bow with you on your travels without any worries.
Quality features
GlobalBow® Technology
Sound: Clear, Sustained
10 years manufacturer warranty (Registration CodaBow)
The vegan Diamond NX violin bow by CodaBow is a completely animal-free alternative to the popular NX violin bow. Of course, during the development of the bow, we paid close attention to ensure that the playing characteristics do not change.
The violin bow
The vegan violin bow Diamond NX inherit the same traditional design as the professional models of the CodaBow Diamond Collection. The aerospace-grade carbon fibers are precisely layered and woven extend continuously from button to tip in a diamond weave. This helps the bow to achieve an optimal balance of strength, flexibility, and response. The hair ribbon of the vegan violin bow is made of synthetic hair by Coruss. We recommend the Coruss Rosin specially made for this hair. Instead of leather, high-quality, very pleasant foam material is used for thumb leather. Coda Bow uses the material Xebony® for all its frogs. Xebony® was developed with species protection in mind. It is a compound of natural fibers and resin. It is characterized by its hardness, durability, and preservation of endangered resources. The NX violin bow carries the GlobalBow® Design which offers advanced material alternatives for endangered, restricted, or monitored species. This vegan design enables players to travel through international Custom worry-free and promises humidity resistance.
Performance expectation of bow
The NX deliveres an uncomplicated, sweet tone emphasizing the fundamental of the pitch. The stronger, firmer stick and well-balanced weight allows musicians and students alike to develop their technique. Though less nuanced in sound and feel, it offers consistency and control across a wide platform of technique. If you would like to buy a successor model of the Prodigy violin bow by CodaBow, the NX violin bow is a good choice.
Bowing skills
Relaxed bow hold. Creating a clear tone. Mastery of the first double stops. Playing accented strokes. Being able to play lifts and beginning spiccato.
Collaboration with musicians and teachers
When developing the NX violin bow, CodaBow repeatedly sought the opinion of violin teachers. Through collaboration with musicians, master bow makers and leading scientists, this advanced carbon bow family "Diamond-Collection" was developed: CodaBow Diamond SX, CodaBow Diamond GX and the CodaBow Diamond NX.
Who plays CodaBow?
Manufacturing the CodaBow Diamond NX
The violin bows are manufactured in the USA. The frogs made of Xebony® and buttons are manufactured at Walter Paulus GmbH in Germany. To our CodaBow page.
Quality features
GlobalBow® Technology
Sound: Clear, Sustained
10 years manufacturer warranty (Registration CodaBow)
"Agile and accommodating" is how CodaBows NX viola bow is praised by students and teachers alike.
The Viola Bow
The viola bow Diamond NX inherit the same traditional design as the professional models of the CodaBow Diamond Collection. The NX deliveres an uncomplicated, sweet tone emphasizing the fundamental of the pitch. The stronger, firmer stick and well-balanced weight allows musicians and students alike to develop their technique. Though less nuanced in sound and feel, it offers consistency and control across a wide platform of technique. If you would like to buy a successor model of the Prodigy viola bow by CodaBow, the NX viola bow is a good choice.
Bowing Skills
Relaxed bow hold. Creating a clear tone. Mastery of the first double stops. Playing accented strokes. Being able to play lifts and beginning spiccato.
Collaboration with Musicians and Teachers
When developing the NX viola bow, CodaBow repeatedly sought the opinion of violin teachers. Through collaboration with musicians, master bow makers and leading scientists, this advanced carbon bow family "Diamond-Collection" was developed: CodaBow Diamond SX, CodaBow Diamond GX and the CodaBow Diamond NX.
Who plays CodaBow?
Manufacturing the CodaBow Diamond NX
The viola bows are manufactured in the USA. The aerospace-grade carbon fibers are precisely layered and woven extend continuously from button to tip in a Diamond Weave. This helps the bow to achieve an optimal balance of strength, flexibility, and response. The frogs made of Xebony® and buttons are manufactured at Walter Paulus GmbH in Germany. Xebony® was developed with species protection in mind. It is a compound of natural fibers and resin. It is characterized by its hardness, durability and preservation of endangered resources. To our CodaBow page.
The bows feature GlobalBow® technology and contain only harmless materials. So, you can take the bow with you on your travels without any worries.
GlobalBow® Technology
Sound: Clear, Sustained
10 years manufacturer warranty (Registration CodaBow)
"Agile and accommodating" is how CodaBows NX violin bow is praised by students and teachers alike.
The Violin Bow
The violin bow Diamond NX inherit the same traditional design as the professional models of the CodaBow Diamond Collection. The NX deliveres an uncomplicated, sweet tone emphasizing the fundamental of the pitch. The stronger, firmer stick and well-balanced weight allows musicians and students alike to develop their technique. Though less nuanced in sound and feel, it offers consistency and control across a wide platform of technique. If you would like to buy a successor model of the Prodigy violin bow by CodaBow, the NX violin bow is a good choice.
Bowing Skills
Relaxed bow hold. Creating a clear tone. Mastery of the first double stops. Playing accented strokes. Being able to play lifts and beginning spiccato.
Collaboration with Musicians and Teachers
When developing the NX violin bow, CodaBow repeatedly sought the opinion of violin teachers. Through collaboration with musicians, master bow makers and leading scientists, this advanced carbon bow family "Diamond-Collection" was developed: CodaBow Diamond SX, CodaBow Diamond GX and the CodaBow Diamond NX.
Who plays CodaBow?
Manufacturing the CodaBow Diamond NX
The violin bows are manufactured in the USA. The aerospace-grade carbon fibers are precisely layered and woven extend continuously from button to tip in a Diamond Weave. This helps the bow to achieve an optimal balance of strength, flexibility, and response. The frogs made of Xebony® and buttons are manufactured at Walter Paulus GmbH in Germany. Xebony® was developed with species protection in mind. It is a compound of natural fibers and resin. It is characterized by its hardness, durability and preservation of endangered resources. To our CodaBow page.
The bows feature GlobalBow® technology and contain only harmless materials. So, you can take the bow with you on your travels without any worries.
Quality features
GlobalBow® Technology
Sound: Clear, Sustained
10 years manufacturer warranty (Registration CodaBow)
€506.00*(2.17% saved)
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